
Four Reasons Not To Use Boric Acid

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We strongly recommend against using boric acid vaginal suppositories for the following reasons:

Boric acid is a pesticide.

Boric acid is toxic to the human body.

Boric acid is an environmental pollutant.

Boric acid is ineffective or barely effective for BV.

The following content may surprise you:

Boric acid is a pesticide.

Boric acid has a nickname called "The Gift of Persistent Killing." "Cockroaches exposed to boric acid have an effect, like glass shards slowly separating them. A little boric acid can wipe out the entire swarm of cockroaches, which even an atomic bomb can't do.

Boric acid is toxic to the human body.

In 1988, a tragic accident occurred during a festival in Malaysia. 13 children died of food poisoning after eating a plate containing boric acid. Their symptoms include: vomiting, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia, dizziness, seizures and eventually coma.

Boric acid is an environmental pollutant.

Environmental experts in Australia concluded: “Chronic boric acid poisoning may cause anorexia, decreased physical strength, mental confusion, and hair loss.” Men who have been exposed to boron for a long time can have reproductive effects, such as low sperm counts. "Yeah!!

Extensive research on animals and humans has shown that boric acid is not only sterilizes the male reproductivity, but it also has a strong estrogen-like effect, promotes the growth of human breast cancer cells MCF-7, and increases the weight of the uterus of ovariectomized rats.

Boric acid is ineffective or barely effective for BV.

Boric acid vaginal suppositories can kill all bacteria at will. In fact, there are many beneficial bacteria called lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria are unsung heroes, they work hard to keep your vagina healthy and smell fresh. When you have a lot of lactic acid bacteria, they actually help stop odor-producing bacteria. Boric acid destroys the microbiota of your entire vagina; it is very destructive. Scientific research shows that shortly after using boric acid, about 50% of women will soon relapse BV.

Recurrent BV sometimes heals on its own and reoccurs. This is why it is called "circular". "Because these two studies did not have a placebo control group, the 50% low recovery rate in these studies may just be a placebo effect. This shows that boric acid is ineffective, or at best, ineffective in treating BV.

We are boronic acid suppliers. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us.

Boric Acid


How Does Boric Acid Stop Cockroaches?

Boric acid comes in the form of a gel, powder, or dust, although dust is most common for pest control. Because boric acid has a static charge, it sticks to the cockroach as the insect passes through the treatment area. As pests groom themselves, they absorb the dust and attack their nervous systems.

Boric acid and cockroaches

It takes some expertise

Boric acid can be used on cockroaches, but the correct application is key. Homeowners must track the movement of pests to find the right place to lay a layer of dust. As a result, knowledge of insect signs and habits makes treatment more likely to succeed.

Involves careful placement

Improper use of homes can also cause problems for residents. Avoid spreading boric acid on worktops or any food preparation surfaces. Although it is not usually fatal to adults, eating the substance or inhaling it into the eyes can cause irritation.

Best exclusion

The problem with boric acid and cockroach control is that this alone won't stop the pests. Homeowners still need to adopt exclusion strategies to keep out more insects. Closing gutters and sealing cracks so pests can't hide or enter the house can help prevent new infestations.

Omit cockroach eggs

In addition, boric acid did not affect cockroach eggs. Although adult cockroaches may respond to treatment, their young often grow and reproduce safely in hard-to-reach Spaces.

The control

To avoid unsolved problems with boric acid and cockroaches, seek professional help.

How does it kill cockroaches?

As cockroaches crawl through boric acid powder, it spreads over them, sticking to their legs, arms, etc. The cockroach ingests this powder when it thinks it is (cleaning itself). If a cockroach can't clean itself, its body will naturally absorb the powder. Once the acid gets into the cockroach, it makes its way into the nervous and digestive systems, leading to death shortly after ingestion.

Boric acid is thought to be very effective because cockroaches eat other dead cockroaches. As most of us know, cockroaches aren't picky about their behavior, or even picky, eating other cockroaches even when they're dead. After the cockroaches eat the one that died of boric acid, the acid enters their system and the cycle continues.

You can also sprinkle boric acid on a bait or trap to work together. The powder sticks to the food and the cockroaches take it back to the nest and eat it all. Naturally, this allows for acid ingestion through multiple cockroaches, which eventually die and are eaten, and so on.

We are boric acid suppliers. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us.



Does Boric Acid Kill Roaches?

Proper use of boric acid is an effective way to kill cockroaches. However, boric acid can lose its potency if used improperly or in excess. Also, since it is actually powder, it can cause a lot of confusion. If you are not satisfied with the use of boric acid or think it is not being used correctly, then the best thing to do is to call a professional to resolve the problem for you.

What is boric acid?

Despite its name, boric acid is not actually an acid.Instead, it's a powder made from a mixture of boron and water. Boron is a compound found naturally in food and the environment. If you've ever eaten almonds or raisins, you've eaten boron.The compound in boric acid is produced from borax, which is collected from the mineral deposit. Boric acid is easy to buy and can be purchased at your local hardware store or grocery store. The mixture comes in bottles and can be used directly from the packaging. It does not contain odors or any irritating chemicals.

What effect does boric acid have on cockroaches?

In order for boric acid to work, the cockroach must crawl through the substance. When a cockroach passes through boric acid, its legs and body absorb the powder.Then, the cockroaches ingest boric acid as they clean themselves. Boric acid is also absorbed into the cockroach. Once inside the body, boric acid will begin to affect the cockroach's nerves and digestive system, eventually causing the cockroach to die. In addition, boric acid can be used in lures and traps. In this case, the cockroach will bait and introduce the food into the nest. Several roaches will eat the coated bait and eventually die.

When used correctly, boric acid will take away many cockroaches. Cockroaches are not picky when it comes to food, so they often eat them. If a cockroach dies from ingesting boric acid and another cockroach eats it, the boric acid will enter the body of a live cockroach. This creates a domino effect, which is another reason why boric acid is so effective at controlling cockroaches.

Is boric acid safe?

Boric acid is safe if used as directed. However, it is considered toxic, which means it is dangerous if ingested, touched or inhaled by you or your pet. First of all, it's important to use less boric acid. If you use too much, cockroaches will see it and avoid it. In addition, you want to limit exposure to it.

In terms of toxicity, boric acid can range from mild to severe symptoms. Mild symptoms usually include skin irritation, while severe symptoms include nausea and respiratory distress. In addition, boric acid can be toxic to pets if exposed to a large number of pets. Because pets are much smaller than humans, boric acid can affect them in more serious ways. Call your doctor if you think you have been exposed to dangerous amounts of boric acid. If you think your pet has been exposed, call your veterinarian.

Boric acid is a relatively safe choice compared to many cockroach killer products on the market. However, you need to make sure you apply it correctly. There is always a degree of risk when you are doing pest control yourself. You can hire a pest control company to completely avoid the risk of cockroach infestation yourself.

We are boric acid suppliers. Please feel free to contact us.



Is Boric Acid Safe for Humans?

Boric acid is not safe for humans. Boric acid poisoning may be acute or chronic. Acute poisoning occurs when individuals swallow powdered cockroach killing products containing boric acid. Chronic poisoning occurs when individuals are repeatedly exposed to boric acid. In the past, diluted solutions of boric acid were used to clean and bind wounds.Individuals with repeated exposure to dilute boric acid eventually develop boric acid poisoning.


Boric acid may also cause death if not perforated in the esophagus and stomach, which may result in a severe infection of the cavity in both the chest and abdomen.

What is boric acid?

Boric acid is a pesticide found in nature and many other products. They are mainly used to kill mites, fungi, plants and insects, including fleas, termites, cockroaches and decaying fungi.

Boric acid and its sodium borate salts are pesticides that can be found in nature and many products. Boric acid and its sodium salts bind boron to other elements in different ways. In general, their toxicity depends on the amount of boron they contain.

Boric acid and its sodium salts can be used to control a variety of pests. These include insects, spiders, mites, algae, molds, fungi, and weeds.

How does boric acid work?

Boric acid damages the stomach and affects the insect's nervous system.It can also scrape and damage the outside of the insect. Borax is used to:

Dry out plants.

Preventing plants from producing the energy they need from light.

To prevent the growth of fungi by preventing them from reproducing.

What should I do if you have boric acid poisoning?

If skin is exposed to boric acid, immediately clean the area with plenty of running water.

If the chemical comes into contact with the eyes, rinse them with cold water for 15 minutes.

If you swallow boric acid, seek emergency medical attention.

How does a physician treat boric acid poisoning?

For skin exposure, the treatment includes:

Skin surface debridement (surgical removal)

Irrigation (rinsing skin) may be done every few days

If acid penetrates the esophagus, stomach or intestines, a doctor may recommend surgery.

What happens to boric acid in the environment?

Boric acid occurs naturally in the environment, especially in soil, water, and plants. Boric acid dissolves in water and can move through soil with water. Boric acid is absorbed by plants and moved to their leaves. It is stored in the leaves and does not move into the fruit. Plants need boric acid to grow. However, too much boric acid is toxic to plants and affects their growth.

How does boric acid work?

Boric acid consumption kills insects. It disturbs their stomachs and affects their nervous system. It can also scrape and damage the outside of the insect. Boric acid can kill plants. Sodium metaborate is another sodium borate salt that blocks the energy plants need to produce light. Boric acid also prevents the growth of fungi such as molds. It prevents them from replicating.

How can I be exposed to boric acid?

If you are using boric acid and boric acid is consumed by the skin, eyes, breath or accidentally, you may be exposed. This can also happen if you grab something to eat or smoke without first washing your hands. Exposure may also occur if children or pets have access to the product. You can limit your boric acid exposure by strictly following the instructions on all labels.

We are Boric Acid Suppliers. Please feel free to contact us.

What Is Boric Acid Used For?

  Boric Acid Suppliers   will share this article with you. Boric acid is a water-soluble white compound that occurs naturally. It is compose...